Monday, October 31, 2005

And a spooky BOO to you all...

Hey guys,
I've been wanting to post but haven't found the time to write up stuff but Halloween seemed so appropriate.
BTW, When I first started my blog and told a friend I was doing it he said something along the lines of how every blog ends up to be a whinefest. I was determined not to do that so I post fewer but less whiney posts. :)

My Obsessions:
The Yankees - I didn't feel they had "it" this season but I'm looking forward to number 27. We'll get them next year! :)

Joss Whedon - (no spoilers)
Saw the film "Serenity" based on the TV show "Firefly". Very cool and so many funny lines! It's doubtful it will come back as a TV show but I wouldn't mind a series of movies.

COH - My playtime is still going strong and now with City Of Villains out there's even more to play! And one of the best parts, brand new costumes!
Admittedly there are some directions the game has gone that I do not like (Enhancement diversification I'm talking about you!) but so far I'm enjoying the game and hope the Devs re-tweak some of the changes to mitigate them.
And like any game, it's the people I play with that really matter. So a shout out to my supergroups on Victory server, my new home away from home:
Good Guys Coalition (COH)
Death and Mayhem Nation (COV)
And a special shoutout to my know who you are ;)

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I carved this pumpkin a couple of years ago and my hubby managed to get a nice pic of it.
Happy Samhain!